Letter: Stop Comares Avenue conservation zone development
Howard Allgood
North Davis Shores
Dear Historic City News editor:
I am the owner of a condo at 33 Comares Avenue, known as Corona Delmar. I also own three (3) lots across the street from Corona Delmar.
A condominium project at 27 Comares Avenue and 435 Flagler Boulevard is before the St Augustine Planning and Zoning Board today at 2:00 p.m. in the Alcazar Room. I have already suffered the eyesore to our neighborhood while a developer has taken the last two (2) years to construct 27 Comares Avenue. These godawful condominiums are still “under construction” and none are finished.
Now, another developer wants to build even more eyesores at 435 Flagler Boulevard and two small lots in the conservation zone at 27 Comares Avenue. This is going to be a 3-story building facing 75-feet on the conversation zone with a black asphalt parking lot facing Comares Avenue.
It is my hope that our neighbors and the citizens of historic St. Augustine will “rise up” to prevent another devastation to our precious Salt Run shoreline. Let the mayor and commissioners know that granting this variance is contrary to the public interest and will adversely affect other property in the vicinity and is not in harmony with the spirit and purpose of North Davis Shores and Historic St Augustine.
- Let our commissioners know that the bulk of the project and the layout does not meet established layout requirements.
- Let our commissioners know that the Developer does not give any justification for the action requested.
- Let our commissioners know there is no justification that this property has a disadvantage that other properties in the vicinity do not have.
- Let our commissioners know there is no disadvantage that this property has that causes the owner to not be able to make a reasonable use of the property.
- Let our commissioners know that there are no conditions or disadvantages that exist on this property that have been created — other than by the Developer.
Please e-mail the entire Planning Board at PZB@citystaug.com and our
City Commissioners at Mayor Upchurch at TUpchurch@citystaug.com, JValdes@CityStAug.com, RHorvath@citystaug.com, NSikesKline@citystaug.com, and BBlonder@citystaug.com
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