Selecting Gary Howell for the Anastasia Mosquito Control District (Seat 5) was the easiest endorsement decision to come before the Historic City News Editorial Review Board this election year. Gary has been a part of this community as long as us. We know what to expect from his contribution as a commissioner.
Gary has already served the district in past years and his knowledge and leadership style are needed. During his term from 1996-2004, he served as chairman, proving his ability to work with residents and staff members who may not always share the same opinion — but who must come to working solutions to solve the problems of the county.
“We’ve got to run Mosquito Control just like you’d run a business,” Howell told reporters. “Our money’s not being spent appropriately. Everything is business as usual right now, but we need to start moving forward. The Mosquito Control District belongs to us, to St Johns County. We need to be aware of what’s going on and how we’re spending our money.”
Howell has been a long-time leader in the Republican Party in St Johns County. He served as Republican Executive Committeeman, First Vice Chair of Greater St Augustine Republican Club, Board Member of Executive Committee and the Republican Party of St Johns County.
He retired from the Army National Guard after 26 years of service. He and his wife, Cheryl, are members of Turning Point at Calvary Church. Gary is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows Grand Palmetto Lodge # 25. He is also a member of Elks Lodge #829. Howell has served as a reserve deputy sheriff in St Johns County for about 32 years. He was a past member of the Sertoma Club, Vocational Association, and Boy Scouts of America.
It is my distinct honor and privilege to recognize GARY HOWELL as the endorsed candidate for election to Seat 5 on the Anastasia Mosquito Control District. Gary Howell can be contacted about his campaign at 170 Harvest Lane in St Augustine, FL 32084 or by e-mail, or by mobile phone at (904) 669-3571.
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