Historic City News has learned that Flagler College President William T. Abare, Jr. recently welcomed retired Flagler faculty and spouses back to campus for their February luncheon meeting and a scholarship presentation.
“The president’s luncheon meeting at Markland is the highlight of the year,” said Tom Rahner, president of the group, which calls itself SASS. The acronym for “Senior Association of Sociable Saints” was dreamed up by the late Bill Kearney and has been retained by the retired faculty of Flagler College in his memory. They meet monthly from September to April.
Abare spoke to the group gathered at Markland House about the state of the college and its health and stability. The SASS Scholarship Award was also presented at the luncheon. Junior Alyssa Helms was the recipient of a $500 award given to a student who demonstrates academic excellence and good character. This is the second year Helms has received this award and the first time any recipient has been honored for two consecutive years.
Photo: L to R, Darwin White, Retired Dean of Students; Pres. William T. Abare, Jr.; Alyssa Helms, student; Chris Haffner, Director of Financial Aid; Tom Rahner, Retired Theater Department Chair
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