After careful consideration of the candidate’s qualifications for the office, the Historic City News Editorial Review Board has endorsed Kim J Kendall for State Representative, District 18. For over 20 years, Kim has been advocating for her state and community.
Kim was born in Arlington, Virginia. As a military dependent, she grew up on Naval bases from Guantánamo Bay, Cuba to Subic Bay, Philippines. Kim has been a strong advocate for the military. It was that upbringing that has motivated her to hold positions like the Vice President of Public Relations for the St Augustine-Palm Coast Navy League.
A proud Seminole, Kim graduated in 1989 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in public relations from Florida State University. She has used that training to advance initiatives such as Business Liaison to Timberlin Creek Elementary School. She graduated from the FAA Air Traffic Control Academy in 1990 and worked as an FAA air traffic controller. During her career she owned and operated two dry cleaners.
Kim is a woman with a strong Christian faith. She has stood tirelessly for our Judeo-Christian principles. She has fearlessly gone toe-to-toe with anti-faith groups and school boards that were not allowing prayer at graduation and were professing evolution as the basis of life in our schools.
On the state level, Kim has worked writing legislation, lobbying alongside the Florida Family Policy Council, serving on two state-appointed education task forces, serving as the Education Chair for the Florida Federation of Republican Women, chairing a statewide literacy initiative involving 150 elementary schools and bringing on board Lt. Governor Toni Jennings as the Florida Literacy Ambassador.
Whether chairing statewide literacy initiatives, working on state appointed education task forces, or serving as the Florida Federation of Republican Women’s State Education Chair – Kim is a force in educational priorities. Locally, Kim was the driving force behind initiatives like getting school children safely back on board their school bus. In 2009, she led a volunteer team and put together an amazing, privately funded middle school sports program for St Johns County.
As an education advocate, she was asked to do a conservative, educational radio talk show. She produced and hosted WFOY’S “Making the Grade” show that included interviewing (then Congressman) Ron DeSantis, Governor Rick Scott, and many others. Programing covered issues that impact education ranging from economy, safety, real estate, parental choice, and religion.
Kim Kendall faces Republican challenger Nick Primrose in the Primary Election on August 20, 2024. The successful Republican candidate faces opposition from Democrat Keith Matthews in the General Election in November. Kendall lives in St Johns Golf and Country Club with Kelly, her husband of 30-years. They have two adult children that attended St Johns County schools.
Kim cares deeply for this community and has worked tirelessly to improve it. We believe she will continue to work full-time for the residents of St Johns County and the State of Florida. Learn more about Kendall on her campaign website.
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