Based on the warrant signed on May 14, 2019, by the Honorable Circuit Judge Christopher A. France, Flagler County deputies took the student into custody and arrested her. She was processed at the Sheriff Perry Hall Inmate Detention Facility and turned over to the Department of Juvenile Justice in Daytona Beach.
On December 10, 2018, Historic City News learned that two Flagler Palm Coast High School students were alleged to be using their school issued computers to send “threatening and racist messages” to an African American teacher at their school.
“I made this case a top priority for the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office,” explained Sheriff Rick Staly. “Our investigators needed time to do an excellent job, which they did with this case. Our teachers deserve our appreciation and should never feel threatened with harm by anyone. Hatred and threats of violence have no place in our schools or our community.”
The students were questioned and admitted to sending the messages but denied that they intended to harm the teacher. Nine days later, the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office obtained and executed a warrant to seize the student’s school-issued computers.
The computers were sent to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement for forensic analysis. The results of that examination were returned on April 24th. Flagler County detectives received the forensic analysis and began reviewing the data.
Evidence collected by the detectives was forwarded to the Office of State Attorney R. J. Larizza on May 10th. A determination was made not to prosecute one of the students, Lev Koshkin because there was insufficient evidence indicating that he ever knew the teacher mentioned in the messages.
However, prosecutors believed that the evidence supported a charge of making written threats to kill against 16-year-old Zoe Putney for the threats against the Flagler Palm Coast High School teacher.
The investigation and prosecution of this crime are ongoing. Historic City News will update this article as more information is made public. Read our original report at https://historiccity.com/2018/staugustine/news/charges-filed-against-two-flagler-students-who-threatened-teacher-74000
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