For over 15 years, St. Johns County students have participated in an art and poetry contest called, “A Day Without Violence”. The contest focuses on peace in the home. On display are the winners of the Betty Griffin Center annual calendar for 2020.
Sponsored by the St. Johns Cultural Council, this Art in Public Spaces show will hang in the Rotunda Gallery of the St. Johns County Administration Building located at 500 San Sebastian View, beginning October 1st through November 21, 2019.
Open to Historic City News readers free of charge, the opening reception will be held Tuesday, October 1, 2019 from 8:15 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. and all are invited to enjoy refreshments, while viewing the show.
The St. Johns County Administration Building is open to the public from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The St. Johns Cultural Council would like to thank the Board of County Commissioners for their support in this exhibit, which is funded in part by the Florida Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs.
If you or someone you know is being abused, please call the Betty Griffin Center crisis helpline at 904-824-1555 or TTY: 904-827-0236. For more information about Betty Griffin Center or to make a donation, visit www.bettygriffincenter.org
A World Nearly Perfect
Peace between nations
Kindness, trust and love
A world nearly perfect
All wars and hate gone
Where enemies are allies
And mistrust is extinguished
Families together, friendships strong
Hate and differences forgotten
Without fear of being set apart
Without greed or enmity
No bullies, no abuse, no murders, no fights
Free to love, free to learn, free to speak, free to live
Let it be we, not us & them.
A world nearly perfect
Where you can be yourself.
-Alexandra Meville
St. Johns Cultural Council’s mission is to promote and enhance the local arts, heritage and cultural programs throughout the county. In pursuance of their role, the St. Johns Cultural Council sponsors multiple exhibits throughout the year, that are displayed in the Rotunda Gallery of the St. Johns County Administration Building, with the opening receptions prior to the St. Johns County Commission meetings.
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