According to the St. Augustine Police Department, a city employee told police Wednesday evening that she got a call from a co-worker about a woman lying on the floor of the men’s restroom at Cafe del Hidalgo, 35 Hypolita Street.
When the city employee arrived at the restroom, she discovered what appeared to be two people having sex inside a stall. She locked the bathroom door from the outside and called police.
Historic City News learned that St. Augustine police arrived on the scene at the intersection of Hypolita and St. George Streets and they were allowed reentry to the locked restroom. As their investigation continued, they arrested 29-year-old homeless man, Timothy James Lambert, charging him with first-degree felony sexual assault.
Police said Lambert was noticeably intoxicated, and was one of the people inside the bathroom. They said they found a partially nude and intoxicated woman face down on the floor. The woman told police she didn’t know where she was at first. According to the arrest report, police asked the woman if she knew Lambert had been having sex with her and she said no. The arrest report states Lambert denied having sex with her, but said he wanted to.
Police said the victim was taken to Flagler Hospital to be examined by medical staff. Based on evidence at the scene and the eyewitness’ statement, Lambert was arrested. The arrest report notes that when Lambert was taken to the St. Johns County jail, traces of blood were discovered on and collected from his underwear.
Since 2013, Lambert has defended sixteen prior arrests on numerous charges from theft and shoplifting to cocaine possession, simple battery, and resisting police in St Johns County, all misdemeanors. Lambert, who is listed as homeless, remains in the jail on $100,000 bond.
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