St Johns County Supervisor of Elections Vicky Oakes reached out to Historic City News to remind our subscribers that early voting ended today, Saturday at 6:00 p.m. The November 3rd General Election is Tuesday. There is no early voting on Sunday or Monday before Election Day.
Oakes told local reporters that voter turnout “has been record setting” during this election and many voters have already cast ballots early or by mail. But, for those planning to vote Tuesday, the law requires you to vote at your assigned polling place. All 39 polling places will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Do not go to the Elections Office. It is not a polling place, and you will be directed back to your assigned polling place to cast your ballot.
“Study your sample ballot and be prepared to vote. We have resources available on our website such as information on all the Judges and the amendments,” Oakes told Historic City News editor in chief, Michael Gold. “The ballot is two-pages long. There are six constitutional amendments on the ballot. If you did not receive your sample ballot, they are available on our website.”
Wondering what choices, you have on Tuesday? Here are a few tips.
There is a 24 hour drop box located in front of the Elections Office where you can still drop off your vote by mail ballot. “Visit our website at www.votesjc.com and use the tools we have available. By using MY VOTER STATUS, you can check your record, verify your address, locate your polling place, and view your sample ballot,” Oakes pointed out. “If you have moved, give the office a call at (904) 823-2238. We will update your address and send you to your correct polling place the first time.”
If your ballot is late, it will not count. You may still also go to your precinct and vote on Election Day. If you requested a vote by mail ballot and still have it in hand, it’s too late to mail it and have it reach the Elections Office by 7:00 p.m. on Election Day.
You may cast a vote by mail ballot on Monday at the Elections Office 4455 Avenue A, Suite 101 in St. Augustine between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Election Day. Vote by mail ballots may only be issued at the Elections Office under emergency circumstances. Remember to bring photo and signature ID with you when you vote. Florida law requires it. If you do not have current and valid ID, you will only be allowed to vote a “provisional ballot”.
“Know where you vote before you go!,” Oakes emphasized, saying that it is very easy for voters to check their voter registration card, or, on the Supervisor of Election’s website to confirm your most current voting poll location. Some polling places have been combined and some have moved since the last election.
Our priority remains keeping our staff, poll workers and voters safe during the voting process. We have adopted Voter Protection Standards for voting during COVID-19. We will be doing our part to keep our workers safe by providing face shields, masks, hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes at all voting locations.
Safety is everyone’s responsibility. Voters – we are asking you do your part. Please visit our website www.votesjc.com and look for the Voter Protection Standards. This will help prepare you for voting in person. Simple things such as updating your address or voter record in advance of coming to vote are important so that we can meet the goal of limiting the amount of time you spend inside the voting location.
Face coverings are encouraged; and upon request, masks will be available to voters at each voting locations. Be aware there are some voting locations in County facilities and St. Augustine Beach that have face covering ordinances in place.
Lines will be outside of voting locations, so please be prepared to wait a few minutes. Be patient and be respectful of others’ space while waiting in line. Oakes asks Historic City News subscribers to remember to take a minute and thank your poll workers. “Elections could not happen without them,” she pointed out. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to visit our website or call the Elections Office at (904) 823-2238.
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