I told Mayor Upchurch that I took the opportunity to watch his interview with Tracey Eaton yesterday. He said some things that needed to be said – or, at least, I needed to hear him say. In the heat of battle, we can say or even do things that we would not normally say or do.

For that reason, I wanted him to understand how our Editorial Review Board arrived at their endorsement of Roxanne Horvath for Seat 1 on the commission.
Wade Ross is making some amateurish mistakes in his campaign against Roxanne. I am not a consultant on his campaign, but several people involved in the “Tea Party movement” are trying to maneuver him. Since he does not know how to turn down “free advice”, He will no doubt learn how much free advice is worth on Tuesday.
I hope all Historic City News subscribers who live and vote in the City of St Augustine are paying attention to this race. Mayor Upchurch, who was appointed by the remaining four commissioners to finish the elected term of Mayor Nancy Shaver after her stoke, has deferred to John Regan far too often on matters the city manager has proven himself incapable of performing.
Our review board reflects our subscribers; not afraid to step out of line but fully aware of the consequences. With that said, Roxanne gets the endorsement from Historic City News for Seat 1. That is going to surprise many of our readers who are fed up with the way John Regan manages City Hall.
I admit, I was surprised, too, but I “get it”. For one thing, Roxanne, and John Valdes, were the only commissioners who continued their support for the 1879 Ladies Memorial Association cenotaph even after they could see that Nancy and Leanna already had their minds made up.
Roxanne has a challenger. It would be wrong if we did not show her the support she has earned. Thanks for your time. Thanks for your service. It means a lot to those of us who were fortunate enough to be born here.
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