Six more states join Florida lawsuit
Six new states have joined Florida in its federal health care lawsuit; according to a report received by Historic City News from the Executive Office of the Governor earlier today.
Six new states have joined Florida in its federal health care lawsuit; according to a report received by Historic City News from the Executive Office of the Governor earlier today.
St. Johns County Sheriff David B. Shoar informed local crime reporters at Historic City News that his deputies have made three arrests in connection with at least one car burglary in the Venetian Boulevard area.
During this morning’s meeting of the St. Johns County Commission, the Board acted to further extend the current “burn ban” for the next 90 days — with the provision that the Board of County Commissioners or the County Administrator may lift the ban; based on an improvement of drought conditions county-wide.
The City of St. Augustine tells Historic City News local government reporters that they are no stranger to the economic realities of government agencies nationwide who are finding creative ways to maintain services, increase revenue, and enhance the stability of budgets.
The City of St. Augustine told local Historic City News reporters that four employees in the Department of Public Works recently had their hair cut as a contribution to Locks of Love — a non-profit organization which provides natural hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children.
Historic City News has learned that a series – The Civil War in Northeast Florida – begins tonight with a lecture by Dr. Michael Gannon on St. Augustine Catholics, Slavery, and Secession.
Historic City News was watching as Sergeant Major (Ret) Ray A. Quinn, accepted high praise and kind-hearted joking on the occasion of his ceremonial transition back to civilian life; having completed his one-year appointment to the District 3 seat on the St. Johns County Commission.
Along with losing ten pounds, my new year’s resolution is to “call out” black democrats, liberals and pundits who unfairly exploit race; using it as a bludgeon to “get their way”.