SR-206 re-opening at this time
St. Johns County Sheriff’s spokesman Chuck Mulligan informed Historic City News local reporters that SR-206, closed today due to reduced visibility, is re-opening at this time.
Historic City News has been published daily since March 2000. Reporting local news for St Augustine and St Johns County Florida, Historic City News is the county's only free press. Our mission is to hold public figures accountable to the public.
St. Johns County Sheriff’s spokesman Chuck Mulligan informed Historic City News local reporters that SR-206, closed today due to reduced visibility, is re-opening at this time.
A CRAMDOWN TO BAILOUT THE ST. JOHNS COUNTY CULTURAL COUNCIL Randy Covington Conservative Research Network February 13, 2011 For years, the process by which bed tax monies have been allocated, especially in Category II has been seriously flawed. The pool of money CAT II draws from is approximately $1.0 million dollars a year in the…
Visit full text article “Guest Column: Bailout for Cultural Council” »
In comments from St. Johns County Administrator Michael D. Wanchick that were received by Historic City News last week, it appears that staff sees the writing on the wall; another $12 million of lost revenue in property taxes next year.
Historic City News passwords and logins are changed every week; some more frequently than that, however, for whatever extra effort that entails, the added protection against hacking attempts is worth more than any insurance policy.
The ostensibly “non-political” local arts agency for St. Johns County has been recommended by a panel including Cultural Council debtors and alumni to manage a grant program and to market St. Johns County as an art, cultural, and heritage destination for the St. Johns County Tourist Development Council.
Dear Editor: You may find Robert Lederman’s point of view of some value. It’s timely and persuasive by my judgment. Roger G. Jolley St. Augustine Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer The International Chamber of Justice Inc. Freedom By Robert Lederman We use the word freedom a lot in the context of street…
Visit full text article “Letter: Saving street artists’ rights” »
Priscilla Proctor has notified local Historic City News reporters that Flagler College will host the Women’s History Project from Thursday, March 8th through Thursday, April 7th.
“Tickets are going fast for our second annual Dart for Art on February 26, 2011,” Pregnancy Center Director Maria Gleason told Historic City News this week.