Local Civitan club announces meeting
Kizzy Van Tine announced to Historic City News that the Saint Augustine Civitan Club will host its monthly business meeting and luncheon at Denny’s located at 2455 State Road 16, St. Augustine on February 10th.
Historic City News has been published daily since March 2000. Reporting local news for St Augustine and St Johns County Florida, Historic City News is the county's only free press. Our mission is to hold public figures accountable to the public.
Kizzy Van Tine announced to Historic City News that the Saint Augustine Civitan Club will host its monthly business meeting and luncheon at Denny’s located at 2455 State Road 16, St. Augustine on February 10th.
Liliana Kurpanik, President of Republican Women’s Club of St. Johns County, announced to local Historic City News reporters that Colonel Mike (Bill) McCalister, Ph.D. will be their monthly luncheon guest speaker for February.
Administrative Officer Lindsey Phillips, informed local Historic City News reporters that the Castillo de San Marcos and Fort Matanzas National Monument have entered into a contract, to begin the stabilization of the historic seawall located southwest of the Fort along the sidewalk.
Historic City News learned that a case investigated by the Jacksonville Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation as part of a nationwide initiative to combat sexual exploitation and abuse of children, has concluded in the conviction of a former Duval County school teacher.
Audubon of Florida spokesperson Monique Borboen informed local Historic City News reporters that on Friday, February 4th, the US Fish and Wildlife Service and their partners will survey 170 miles of Florida’s beaches counting Piping Plovers.
The St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office reported to Historic City News that their bomb squad was dispatched to Flagler County this morning to dispose of a hand grenade that had been purchased at an estate sale.
Historic City News has learned that five St. Johns County commissioners take well over a quarter-million dollars in salaries – plus a package of benefits that includes county-paid health care and pension contributions – as compensation for their duties; that, at one time, a former three-term commissioner recalls paid about $400 a month.
The St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office reported a week filled with attempted scams — and Sheriff David B. Shoar warns residents, especially the elderly, to be cautious when asked for personal information.