Editorial: Success has many fathers
In the game of poker, it’s called a “tell”. It can be as subtle as a blink, or as strong as a smile; but, to a seasoned player, it is a dead giveaway of what your opponent is up to.
In the game of poker, it’s called a “tell”. It can be as subtle as a blink, or as strong as a smile; but, to a seasoned player, it is a dead giveaway of what your opponent is up to.
The past 3+ years have been full and rewarding. I have learned and grown both personally and professionally. As I look back, I am proud of the things that I have accomplished. As I look forward, I am inspired by what I hope to continue to accomplish.
Letter: Protocol needed to check welfare of live-alone elderly Pat Webb Brevard, NC Dear Editor: Two weeks ago I returned to visit St. Augustine. My husband and I lived in the Old Town neighborhood south of the Plaza until moving in 2012.
Letter: Ethics Commission rejects attempted Flagler SLAPP suit Dennis McDonald Palm Coast Dear Editor: Friday January 22nd, the Florida Ethics Commission rejected the attempt by Flagler County Attorney Hadeed and all five of the Flagler County Board of Commissioners to allow a Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation, or SLAPP suit, all to be financed by…
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Letter: Get past your personal agenda or step down Susan Rathbone Davis Shores Dear Editor: A few days ago I received a group email concerning recent, embarrassing behavior by our public officials on the Saint Augustine City Commission. Numerous people from across the city have continued to contact me to voice their displeasure.
Taxi cabs not entitled to special government treatment Michael Gold, Editor in Chief HISTORIC CITY NEWS St Augustine is America’s oldest city — but, that does not mean that we should remain trapped by America’s oldest ways of doing things.
Letter: Ponte Vedra Beach Preserve appeal Bart Dodge Woloson Ponte Vedra Beach FL Dear Editor: On Friday, January 15, St. Johns County Planning and Zoning Division Chief Planner Danielle Handy, notified me that next Tuesday’s hearing for the procedural clarification of the Ponte Vedra Beach Preserve appeal has been continued.
Letter: We found Santa Claus at Le Pavillon Elayne Minzenberg Ocala, FL Dear Editor: All it takes is one person to make something special happen…just one. As Christmas 2015 approached, myself and 2 of my other senior friends with families that are distant or non-existent, decided to spend Christmas day in St. Augustine, FL.