Proposed Plaza ordinances
City Attorney Ron Brown reported to Historic City News that he will recommend delaying action to rescind 22.6, the current Plaza ordinance, until the September 14 St. Augustine City Commission meeting.
City Attorney Ron Brown reported to Historic City News that he will recommend delaying action to rescind 22.6, the current Plaza ordinance, until the September 14 St. Augustine City Commission meeting.
Melissa Lundquist reported the following Board and Committee vacancies in St. Johns County to Historic City News.
Historic City News has verified that an article attributed to Peter Guinta that was published in today’s Record newspaper, falsely reports that “The commission passed the fee unanimously.”
Historic City News reported last month that the St. Johns County Board of County Commissioners was in the process of comprehensively examining the Tourist Development Council.
Historic City News followed City commissioners last night as they approved $75,000 for a “landscape berm” to reduce skateboard noise at Hamilton Upchurch Park following public comments dominated by complaints from the skate park’s residential neighbors.
Historic City news learned yesterday that Sen. Mel Martinez wasn’t interested in sticking around Washington D.C. for the remainder of his six-year Senate term.
County Administrator Michael D. Wanchick reports to Historic City News what he calls “good news” for most St. Johns County property owners.
Island residents heard the noise of skateboards emanating from Hamilton Upchurch Park — and city officials heard the residents’ complaints, according to a report received by Historic City News from the City of St. Augustine.