Ebenezer: Are there no prisons?
At this festive time of year, it is more than usually desirable that we should make some slight provision for the poor and destitute.
At this festive time of year, it is more than usually desirable that we should make some slight provision for the poor and destitute.
Editorial: Commissioner’s pettiness makes them “laughing stock” Michael Gold, Editor HISTORIC CITY NEWS Whoever knows what politicians will do, or why? As political parties caucus to determine who their candidates will be during next year’s presidential election, we are all witness to the unpredictable behavior during what I call, “the silly season”.
LETTER: Tired of double standard in city board appointments MELINDA RAKONCAY St Augustine, FL Dear editor: I have been asked by many why I did not reapply for the HARB position you will be voting to fill tonight after I was overlooked in June. Simply put, the continued double standard applied by this City to…
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Editorial: Just what we need, more rules Michael Gold, Editor HISTORIC CITY NEWS St Augustine, FL The commissioners of the St Augustine City Commission can be accused of many, many things — not having enough rules and regulations is not one of them.
There are few places in St Augustine where you can find such a wide array of tricks and treats as City Hall, so, Historic City News would like to take you on a very short tour.
As we move into the coming election year, it is important for our readers to understand that you can continue to count on us for the high quality campaign coverage you’ve relied on for the past fifteen years.
Letter: The “Greening of St. Augustine” Edward A Slavin, Jr. St Augustine, FL Dear Editor: The “Greening of St. Augustine” is everywhere: data-based decisions, street-paving, increased recycling, “lifeline” water rates, promoting equality, honesty, environmental stewardship, historic preservation. Thanks to Mayor Nancy Shaver, et al. listening to “We, the People,” it’s a proud time for all…
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October 12, 2015 Historic Architectural Review Board City of St. Augustine, Florida It is with regret that I offer my resignation from the HARB board effective immediately. I also want to take a moment to explain my resignation from the HARB, and my reasons for wishing to serve on that board. As a practicing designer…
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