Artistic and cultural entertainment
St. Johns County Cultural Council, the county’s designated local arts agency, periodically reports upcoming cultural events to local Historic City News reporters for the benefit of our readers.
Historic City News has been published daily since March 2000. Reporting local news for St Augustine and St Johns County Florida, Historic City News is the county's only free press. Our mission is to hold public figures accountable to the public.
St. Johns County Cultural Council, the county’s designated local arts agency, periodically reports upcoming cultural events to local Historic City News reporters for the benefit of our readers.
Has Dallas got a good idea or what? Dear Editor:
Historic City News has learned through an interim report released yesterday by the Senate Criminal Justice Committee that, in a measure to reduce costs of operation, the Department of Juvenile Justice may begin releasing youthful offenders a week early, on average.
First Congregation Sons of Israel reported to Historic City News that they have invited Rabbi Merrill Shapiro to St. John’s County’s oldest synagogue to lead High Holy Day services; ushering in the Jewish New Year 5722.
Sheriff’s spokesman Kevin Kelshaw informed Historic City News that sometime between Sunday night and Monday morning, burglars made their way through an air conditioning vent on the roof of a SR-312 restaurant and gained access to bags of cash before the left — the same way they got in.
St. Augustine Visitors and Convention Bureau Communications Director Jay Humphreys announced to Historic City News that tomorrow’s “First Friday Artwalk” will kickoff the Labor Day Weekend.
St. Johns County Republican Party Chairman Harlan Mason reported to Historic City News that it is with profound sadness that he announces the resignation of Republican Party of Florida Chairman David Bitner effective September 23rd.
The Spanish soldier in St. Augustine U.S. Park Ranger Jake Harper Castillo de San Marcos National Monument When doing living history at the Castillo, most of us interpret Spanish soldiers.