Historic city loses accomplished blues artist
Jim Stafford, President of Eclipse Recording Company, told Historic City News reporters that local musician Marty Scott passed away this past Saturday and “will leave a void impossible to fill.”
Historic City News has been published daily since March 2000. Reporting local news for St Augustine and St Johns County Florida, Historic City News is the county's only free press. Our mission is to hold public figures accountable to the public.
Jim Stafford, President of Eclipse Recording Company, told Historic City News reporters that local musician Marty Scott passed away this past Saturday and “will leave a void impossible to fill.”
Historic City News was on hand for the First Annual Palm Coast Half Marathon and 5K race last weekend — despite freezing temperatures, walkers and runners of all ages reported a good time.
At 6:00 tomorrow evening, Saturday, January 29th, family and friends of 34 year-old Rebecca Ann Ware will host a candlelight vigil to mark the three-month anniversary of her disappearance.
St. Johns County Sheriff David B. Shoar is asking Historic City News readers if they recognize either of the two men shown on surveillance video that was taken last weekend while several vehicles were being burglarized at Young’s Masonry.
Assistant City Attorney Carlos Mendoza returned to the City Commission this week with the latest staff draft of a proposed horse-drawn carriage ordinance; an issue being closely followed by local Historic City News reporters.
Florida Living History, Inc., President, Davis Walker, announced the 2011 calendar of heritage events to Historic City News local reporters this week.
Tracy Spencer informed local business reporters at Historic City News that AAA Insurance is planning to host a free community shred event on Tuesday, February 15th.
Twenty-five years ago, seven astronauts died aboard space shuttle Challenger when it exploded shortly after liftoff.