Bio: Cory Duke Mara
Bio: Cory Duke Mara Endorsed by Historic City News Endorsed by The St Augustine Record
Bio: Cory Duke Mara Endorsed by Historic City News Endorsed by The St Augustine Record
In the battle of the haves and the have-nots, the have-nots always outnumber the haves. Despite that indisputable fact, the haves always seem to get their way. Why is that?
Letter: Inaccurate speculation about Medi MD Bill McClure Medi MD St Johns County, FL Dear Historic City News editor and readers: Out of respect for the process, I cannot comment on the details of the events of last week.
Letter: Zoning Conundrum Susan Rathbone St. Augustine, FL Dear Editor: North Davis Shores residents have been resilient in their efforts to call attention to the numerous zoning issues throughout the city; and in particular the property known as the “castle” at 100 Flagler Boulevard. Current zoning does not align with current and historical property usage…
Before every Primary and General Election for quite a number of years, Historic City News has announced our recommendations of political candidates for local office. Judging by our bulging e-mail box last week, readers look forward to hearing our opinions before forming their own and wonder why we haven’t published our endorsements.
Letter: Folks are a lot smarter than Mayor thinks PATRICIA REILLY St Augustine, FL Dear Editor: Payments in lieu of taxes are voluntary payments made by some colleges as a gesture of good will to help a city offset the loss of property taxes and to help defray the cost of services provided by the…
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Historic City News is ready to start announcing our recommendations in selected local elections of interest to St Augustine and St Johns County voters. We find our first recommendation to be newsworthy for a couple of reasons.
Davis Shores resident, Susan Rathbone, is stepping up her efforts to preserve the residential makeup of her neighborhood against an intruding commercial use. She has asked Historic City News readers who support the administrative rezoning necessary to revert the property at 100 Flagler Boulevard to “residential” to sign her petition by clicking here. Rathbone told local…
Visit full text article “Davis Shores resident circulating rezoning petition” »