Voting brisk during first two days
Historic City News verified the following results with the St Johns County supervisor of elections as of 8:09 AM Wednesday morning.
Historic City News verified the following results with the St Johns County supervisor of elections as of 8:09 AM Wednesday morning.
Historic City News readers who vote in St Johns County, the City of St Augustine and the City of St Augustine Beach, begin early in-person voting today and for the next 13 days including two Saturdays and one Sunday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 pm.
St Johns County administration has reported to Historic City News that they have lifted the mandatory evacuation order for all of Evacuation Zone A, all of Evacuation Zone B, and the portion of Evacuation Zone F located south of State Road 206.
Denver Cook, the man who ran against St Johns County Clerk of Court, Brandon Patty, and lost in the closed Republican Primary Election, August 20th, has been on the hotseat and at the center of controversy at the county Republican Party since the day he presented himself as a candidate to succeed removed chairman Blake…
Visit full text article “Showdown scheduled at St Johns County Republican Party” »
Mark TolzmannSt Johns, FL Former St Johns County Commissioner Bill McClure’s retort to the Historic City News endorsement of Ed Slavin for a seat on the Mosquito Control District, ironically serves to highlight the reasons Ed should be on the Board.
St Johns County Supervisor of Elections Vicky Oakes reminds Historic City News readers that the November 5th General Election will be here soon, so, it’s time to get “election ready” and make your voting plan. There have been a few changes this year, but Oakes tells local reporters that the improvements are designed to make…
Visit full text article “It’s time to get “election ready” according to Oakes” »
The City of St Augustine invites Historic City News readers to attend a Public Open House on September 26th, beginning at 5:30 pm until 7:00 pm, as part of the project development and environment study process for the SMART St Augustine project. Goals for the upcoming project include improving traffic congestion, improved parking and pedestrian…